Tuesday, January 18, 2011

what was that about appreciation?

i had one of those days today. its not fair to call it a bad day because it wasn't a bad day, it was just one of those days i'm going to be having a lot of - days of adjustment. i woke up this morning with a headache and, okay, i was up too late last night and, between that and the chinese food, i'm the only one to blame. still, it was a killer headache and i was exhausted so i took a few advil and did my best to fall back asleep for a couple more hours before going into the office. when i got there, i spent hours trying to catch up on the sixty-five e-mails i got over the long weekend while training the new girl to take over my job and holding the hand of the total nutjob well meaning guy who sits across the wall.

it was a day spent with dozens of people coming to my desk and the constant prodding questions about whether or not i was taking the job i already took but they don't know about and signing my formal offer letter and trying to walk the fine line and then, at three o'clock, it all stopped. everyone went home and the office went quiet and i suddenly had some time to get things done and then i realized i don't have things to get done anymore. okay, no, i do, but not like i used to. now, its my job to answer sixty-five emails and find ways to order hundreds of dollars in computer equipment and make sure these twenty-five people are doing what they're supposed to be doing. right now, i don't have thirty spreadsheets just waiting for me to manipulate hundreds of lines of data and that is a totally new sensation.

so tonight, i came home and i flopped into my chair and i watched a couple episodes of bad tv and i played with this layout and, when the tired and the sore caught up to me, i came upstairs and i crawled into bed to watch a couple more episodes of bad tv with the nice warm rice pack Mike warmed up for me and the wonderful cup of tea and i thought maybe this isn't so bad and man is he great.

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